An absence seizure, also known as a petit mal seizure, affects consciousness and can cause a temporary loss of awareness. Absence seizures are most commonly seen in children and typically involve a brief staring spell that lasts just a few seconds. Diagnosis is the first step towards lasting relief and a cure. Clarity Medical is committed to improving diagnostic tools for the medical industry so doctors can help patients feel better fast!
Telemedicine is the remote delivery of healthcare and health-related information services through electronic methods such as video calls, email, chat, or other electronic means
India has been at the forefront of innovation and technology since time immemorial. From the arts to culture, architecture, medicine, and technology—there is hardly any field in which India does not excel—or has not excelled to date. In fact, areas of modern surgery such as Rhinoplasty have roots in the ancient Indian
Myocarditis is a medical condition that causes the inflammation of the myocardium which is the muscle layer of your heart’s wall. This disease reduces the heart’s ability to pump out blood as it directly affects the heart muscle and electrical systems in our body. This eventually leads to several potential complications like arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, an abnormal or rapid heartbeat. What Causes Myocarditis? Viral infections can be a known cause for myocarditis as inflammation occurs as a body’s response to fighting infections. However, it can also be caused by more systemic inflammatory disorders like autoimmune diseases. The heart muscle weakens to...